90 levels of 1 or 2 player 80s-style arcade fun to play in your browser or to download for Windows.


To prevent [Up] from jumping when using controllers, press either [A] on the controller or the PICO-8 [O] button (Z on the keyboard) to start.

Player 1
[←] and [→] to move
[↑] jump
[X] fire

Player 2
[S] and [F] to move
[E] jump
[A] fire

Thanks To

Minified using the GEM Minifier.

Unminified cartridge downloadable below.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, HTML5
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(14 total ratings)
Made withPICO-8
TagsArcade, bubblebubble, Commodore 64, Demake, PICO-8, Remake, Retro


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

bubblebobble (unminified source code).p8 95 kB
bubblebobble_linux.zip 757 kB
bubblebobble_osx.zip 3.2 MB
bubblebobble_raspi.zip 2.1 MB
bubblebobble_windows.zip 998 kB

Development log


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That’s awesome. I just started coding it in p5.js but not with the original layout. Nice gameplay. Thanks.

Is it possible to get the source code?

The .p8 file (available in the downloads) is the pico-8 source file, unminified (but still a bit messy, to keep within pico-8's token limit). The source is in pico-8's version of Lua.

Thank you very much. I’ll take a look. Great to see the “old hits” in your account.

Happy developing!

Can the controls be remapped or remappable? player 1 and 2 get in eachother's way, with the keyboard controls.

Pico-8 defines these keys and I think you can change them in one of the config files but am unsure which. I always played 2 player with connected controllers for this very reason.

I see. 

I don't have controllers, and I was hoping to play this with my girlfriend. It is a game she really enjoyed in her childhood. 

Would it be possible for me to download the game and mess around with the config files, as a txt file? 

Hi, I just downloaded the Windows version and there doesn't appear to be an easy way to do this (no config file). If you have a purchased version of pico 8 installed, you can use the KEYCONGIF utility (apparently): https://pico-8.fandom.com/wiki/Keyconfig

No idea how you'd do it if running the executables though without downloading a third-party application to do this - suggest you're very careful if you have to go this route though.

Thank you for looking into it. I don't have a pico 8. 

However, I did look around on the web a bit more and found that a website called retrogames has the title. Playable in browser, with adjustable keys built in as well. So I might play that instead. 

Deleted post

Done! Enjoy

OMG I my grampa had an original nes and i used it to play bubble bobble and kirbys dreamland and the cord died into black and he got a new one, it had 600 GAMES the only game that i liked was smb1

and to see this game has made my day  =)

Thanks. I've good memories of the C64 version.

it is like an exact replica except more pixelated, even the jump on the bubbles!!

thank you. I was really pleased with how authentic it feels!


very good remake!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

This is great, you've really captured the feel and playability of the arcade original. Nice rendition of the arcade music too! It really does play like Bubble Bobble which is amazing to see on Pico-8!


Extremely addictive.